Some phrases

After a quick search in Internet, one of the first link for "Easy phrases in English" I got this one:

We tried to translate most of them to Luxembourgish with a help of Laurent and Fernand, two native speakers from "Club Polyglotte".

Notes were done on the fly, and even though there was a couple of correction passes, it could contain mistakes. If you spot any or have a better translation, please, drop a comment about it

Warning: work in progress, can contain mistakes

Common phrases to ask how someone is:

What’s up? Wat ass lass?
What’s new? Wat ass Neies? / Wat gëtt et Neies?
What have you been up to lately? Wat hues du an der läschter Zäit gemaach?
How’s it going? Wéi geet et?
How are things? Wéi ass et?
How's life? ?

Common phrases to say how you are:

I’m fine, thanks. How about you? Et geet mir gutt, merci. A selwer?
Pretty good. Ganz gutt. / Tipptopp.
Same as always. Wéi ëmmer.
Not so great. Net esou gutt. / Net immens.
Could be better. Et kéint besser sinn.
Can't complain. Ech kann net kloen.

Common phrases to say thank you:

I really appreciate it. Ech hunn et wierklech gären. (Ech appreciéieren dat wierklech gären.)
I’m really grateful Ich si ganz dankbar.
That’s so kind of you. Dat ass esou léif vun dir.
I owe you one. Ech sinn dir eppes schëlleg.

Common phrases to respond to thank you:

No problem. Kee Problem.
No worries. Mach dir keng Suergen.
Don’t mention it. T'ass näischt.
My pleasure. Gär geschitt.
Anytime. Gären nees.

Common phrases to end a conversation politely:

It was nice chatting with you. Et war léif mat dir ze schwätzen.
Anyway, I should get going. Egal wéi, ech muss goen. (Egal, ech hunn elo keng Zäit.)

Common phrases to ask for information:

Do you have any idea…? Hues du eng Iddi…?
Would you happen to know…? Vläicht weess du…
I don’t suppose you (would) know…? Vläicht interesséiert et dech ze wëssen… / Ech huelen net un, datt du wees datt…

Common phrases to say I don’t know:

I have no idea/clue. Ech hu keng Ahnung.
I can’t help you there. Ech kann net dir do hëllefen.
(informal) Beats me. Dat ass mir ze héich.
I’m not really sure. Ech si (mir) wierklech net sécher.
I’ve been wondering that, too. Ech hu mech dat och gefrot.

Common phrases for not having an opinion:

I’ve never given it much thought. Ech hunn nach ni doriwwer nogeduecht.
I don’t have strong feelings either way. Et ass mir egal. / Et ass mir esou laang ewéi breet.
It doesn’t make any difference to me. Dat mécht keen Ënnerscheed fir mech.
I have no opinion on the matter. Ech hu keng Meenung dodriwwer.

Common phrases for agreeing:

Exactly. Genee. / Genau. / Exakt.
Absolutely. Ganz genau.
That’s so true. Dat ass wouer.
That’s for sure. Dat ass sécher.
I agree 100% Ech sinn honnert Prozent averstan
I couldn’t agree with you more. Ech ginn dir vollkommen Recht.
Tell me about it! / You’re telling me! Du sees et!
I’ll say! Dat géif ech och soen. / Ech fannen och.
I suppose so. Ech huelen dat un. / Wahrscheinlech. / Du kéints Recht hunn.

Common phrases for disagreeing:

I’m not so sure about that. Ech sinn (mir) do net esou sécher.
That’s not how I see it. Ech gesinn dat net esou.
Not necessarily. Net onbedéngt.

Common phrases to respond to great news:

That’s great! Datt ass supper! / Tipptopp.
How wonderful! Wéi schéin!
Awesome! Super!

Common phrases to respond to bad news:

Oh no… Oh neen…
That’s terrible. Dat ass schrecklech.
Poor you. Du aarmen.
I’m so sorry to hear that. Et deet mir Leed dat ze héieren.

Common phrases to invite someone somewhere:

Are you free… [Saturday night?] Bass du [den Samschdeg Owend] frei?
Are you doing anything… [Saturday night?] Méchs du eppes [den Samschdeg Owend?]
Do you wanna… [see a movie?] Wëlls du ...[e Film kucken?]
Would you like to… [join me for dinner?] Wëlls du gär [mat mir eppes iesse goen?]

Common phrases for food:

I’m starving! (= I’m very hungry) Ech si vill hongereg
Let’s grab a bite to eat. Loss eis eppes Klenges iessen. / Wéi wier et wann mir den Owend géifen iesse goen?
How about eating out tonight? Wéi wier et (fir) den Owend eppes iessen ze goen?
I’ll have… Ech kréien... / Ech huelen ...

Common phrases for price:

It cost a fortune. Dat kascht vill. / Dat kascht e Verméigen.
It cost an arm and a leg. ?
That’s a rip-off. Do gëtt een ofgezunn.
That’s a bit pricey. Dat kascht e bëssen vill.
That’s quite reasonable. Et ass raisonnabel. / Et ass fair
That’s a good deal. Datt ass eng gutt Offer.
It was a real bargain. Et war e Schnäpschen (???)
It was dirt cheap. Dat war extrem bëlleg.

Common phrases for weather:

It’s a little chilly. Et ass e bësse frësch.
It’s freezing. Et ass extrem kal.
Make sure to bundle up. Pack dech an. / Déi dech waarm un.

Common phrases for hot weather:

It’s absolutely boiling! Et ass ze waarm.
It scorching hot outside. Et ass eng Afenhëtzt dobaussen.

Common phrases for being tired:

I’m exhausted. Ech si futti.
I’m dead tired. Ech sinn doudmidd.
I’m beat Ech si geschloen.
I can hardly keep my eyes open. Ech (be)halen meng Ae knaps op.
I’m gonna hit the sack. Ech gi schlofen.

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