Often when we write a letter or an email, we use typical phrases, like "Please find attached..." or "With best regards". Here are some of those in Luxembourgish.
To start

Some informal starts, good for emails:
- Moien (<Name>) – don't forget about "n-rule" if you put a name in
- Bonjour
If you need something more formal:
- Monsieur (<Name>)
- H är <Name> – equivalent to the previous one
- Madame (<Name>)
- L éif Madame / Léiwen Här – should be careful, "léif" could mean both "dear" and "nice"
- Léiwen Nicolas – again; attention to "n-rule"
- Léift Anne – all women first names are grammatically "neutre", that's why 't'-ending of the adjective
- Här Direkter / Madame Minister
References and propositions

The main content of a letter requires to reference to previous communication and make calls to actions. Here are some useful phrases:
- Wéi (um Telefon) beschwat/besprach/versprach, schécken ech Iech de Rapport vun eiser Reunioun – "As discussed/discussed/promised (by Telephone), I'm sending you the report of our meeting".
- Ech kommen ze réck op eist Gespréich/Telefonsgespr éich) vum 11. Mee 2020... – "I'm coming back to you about our conversation/ phone conversation from 11th May 2020..."
- Als Äntwert op Ären Email vum... – "As an answer to your email from..."
- Schéckt mir, w.e.g., Är Äntwert bis Enn vun der Woch – "Please, send me your answer till the end of the week".
- Heimat erlabe mir eis, Iech drop opmierksam ze maachen, datt... – "Hereby we permit ourselves to pay your attention, that..."
- Mir hunn d' Éier Iech matzedeelen, datt... – "We have the honour to inform you, that..."
- Et deet mir Leed Iech matzedeelen, datt... – "I am sorry to inform you, that..."
- Mir hunn Är Demande kritt, a mir confirm éieren heimat, datt... – "